View of the piazza and the palazzo Farnese, about 1864.




Work of the construction of Palazzo Farnese was begun by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger in 1514, by order of Cardinal Alessandro Farnese. These became pope with the name Paolo III in 1534 gave the order to almost completely rebuild the building, whose facade reached the present measures. The death, however, forbade the architect to see the fulfillment of his work, whose construction was completed by Michelangelo, who completed the prospectus with the moulding and the central balcony that surmounts the entrance. According to the original plan, the facade of the palace should be the one on via Giulia, because it was the most elegant street of time.


The beauty of this building was said at the time that Cardinal Alessandro Farnese (later Pope Paolo III, brother of Giulia Farnese, the mistress of the future Alessandro VI Borgia, which gave him the purples, so that the Cardinal was in a skirt or cardinal "Fregnese") had three beautiful things: the palace, the church of Jesus, and his natural daughter. The populace, judging the works of the building exceed the possibilities of the cardinal expressed his thought attacking Pasquino a box that says: "Alms for the factory".  About  this building is to be noted that August 20, 1662, after a fight between two French soldiers and three Corsican, the palace was attacked by the pontifical guard. The presence of French soldiers in the palace is explained by the law that the ambassadors had to have with them a guard of armed soldiers of their nation.



In the picture you can see the frame of the Palazzo Farnese (designed by Michelangelo) and the two beautiful fountains. It's sunday, the day when the farmers arrive in Rome. Those who seek the use of their arms are offered to the merchants of the country. They come into town at dawn, after having walked for a good part of the night. Each family brings a donkey, stop in a corner of Piazza Farnese, or Piazza Montanara. The shops stay open until noon for a special privilege (In the first picture you can see a man posing and group of goats around the fountain).

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